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Rosdillig Vintage Rally & Steam Threshings, Rosdillig, Borris, Co. Carlow SUNDAY 18th

24th vintage rally displaying working machinery. Parade of vintage farm engines etc.T: Elaine Stanley 087-7751895



The Carnew Heritage Club holds a Heritage Day once a year in
September. The aim of the club is to preserve local customs.
traditions, methods and implements of farming. From the running of
these events. the club makes donations to different organisations
such as the North Wexford, South Wicklow branch of MS Ireland.
Kare Centre. Tinahely and Carnew Scout Group.

At the Heritage Day, people can see traditional farming methods
brought back to lite. Other events include: vintage tractor ploughing,
horse ploughing, binders. bailers. steam engines, threshing mills,
butter making as well as a crafts tent.

The group also organises tractor runs to fundraise for charitable


Carnew Hetitage Club are busy getting ready for their Barn Dance on Saturday and working day Sunday September 17th/18th. The steam engines will be there on the Saturday night along with the music session in the Lounge in The Corner House.

There will be all the usual attractions on the Sunday along with many more, the event this year is Nutfield and to enter please ring Kevin on 087-6732437. Some DVDS are still available of last years working day and can be had from Victor Young’s Main Street or Candy’s Carnew.