E-mark tyres


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An e-mark confirms that the tyre meets the minimum agreed standard  in relation to its dimensions, load and speed rating. Find out why it is important to have e-marked tyres.


It is a requirement throughout the EU that motor vehicles have e-marked tyres.  E-marking applies to both new and retreaded tyres. An e-mark confirms that the tyre meets the minimum EU or International (UNECE) standard  in relation to its dimensions, load and speed rating.

What is an e-mark

The ‘E’ mark consists of an ‘E’ or ‘e’ followed by a number included in a circle or a rectangle.  The number denotes the government’ which granted the approval.   The number outside the circle or rectangle is the number of the type approval certificate issued for the tyre size and type.

Apart from tyres other replacement component parts which must be e-marked include exhaust silencers, catalytic convertors and brake pads

Why is it important to have e-marked tyres

An e-marked tyre will have been tested to ensure that the tyre has adequate tread depth and does not exhibit tread and ply separation when performing at its maximum design weight and speed.

Tyres which are not e-marked will not meet the required minimum EU or international standard.  They are likely to perform less well and given the uncertainty over the quality of manufacture could be at risk of sudden and / or serious deterioration endangering both the occupants of the vehicle and other road users.    For example, a tyre with tread or ply separation could be at risk of having a “blow-out” or sudden tyre deflation during driving which would cause the driver to lose control of their vehicle.

Roadworthiness check of e-mark tyres

Checking of e-marked tyres as part of the roadworthiness test is common through the EU.    Since 1st April 2010, the NCT has included a check to ensure that tyres on cars are e-marked.  A similar check for e-marks on HGV tyres was introduced in March of this year.  This new test item was introduced because of the importance of the standard of tyres to vehicle and road safety.

The check on e-marking of tyres is one of a number of new NCT test items which were introduced following the completion of a public consultation process in 2009.

Can I check for an e-mark when I am replacing my tyres

We recommend that purchasers check new tyres for a visible e-mark.  Your seller / fitter should be able to show you the e-mark.  Vehicle owners should be aware that it is illegal to purchase non E-marked tyres for use on Irish roads.

What should I do if I have recently purchased tyres which are not e-marked

If you have recently had tyres fitted to your vehicle which do not have an e-mark you should return to the place of purchase and request that they be replaced with the appropriate e-marked tyres for your vehicle.  It is illegal to fit non-e-marked tyres.

The Irish Tyre Industry Association (ITIA) is advising that any motorist who has purchased a non e-marked tyre from one of their members should go back to the vendor with proof of purchase.

When returning non e-marked tyres the  National Consumer Agency advise that you consult the information provided on their website on the Sale of Goods Acts 1893 and 1980 (PDF)

NCT test on tyres – see number 8 for e-mark

Further information

If you have any further queries please contact vehiclestandards@rsa.ie or call the Vehicle Standards section at 096 25014