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1. Pull Thistle high – Turn your hurley side ways aim for Knee Cap and give it every pound of your body weight. – Result : Your opponent is lying flat on the ground and all you hear from the bank of supporters is PULL HARD HARD HARD!!!!!!!!!

2. Up his hole – Instruction from coach, selectors, team mates, their wives, girlfriends and children to remain in extremely close proximity to your direct opponent for the entire duration of the sporting contest.

3. An allmercyful Flake – Usually in the back of calf. Hit him An allmercyful Flake.

4. A Shemozzle – A Melee, normally around the Square.

5. Holly – eg “I gave it holly” – I put a fair bit of effort into it

6. Bollix – Pat Spillane or any Meath players or supporters

7. Mighty – very good

8. Hames – a right shite – eg. “he made a hames of that clearance”

9. Timber – intimidation of a hurling opponent – eg. “show him some timber”!

10. Lamp – a good thump – eg. “I swung for the sliotar, missed by 3 feet and lamped their fullback”

11. A Crowd – A gathering of people that watch a match and hope for random acts of violence eg. “that crowd from Meath are a right shower of shites”

12. Schkelp – To remove living tissue in the absence of surgical procedures eg – “That shite from Tipp took a schkelp out of my leg”

13. Hatchet Man – Mountainy type, uses hunter/gatherer instincts.

14. Bullin’ – angry – eg “the centre half back was bullin’ after I lamped him”

15. Bull thick – very angry – eg “the centre half back was bull thick when I lamped him again”

16. Joult – a push – eg “I gave him a joult and he has to wear a neck brace for two weeks”

17. The Comm-a-teeee – Local GAA bullshitters in general

18. Bushted – an undefined soreness eg. “Jayz me arm is bushted”

19. The Bomber – a very popular nickname for a fat, hairy GAA player

20. A hang sangwidge – consumed with tay on the sides of roads after matches in Croker or Thurles, usually contains half a pound of butter.

21. Rake – A great amount of anything, usually pints of Guinness the night before an important match

22. Namajaysus – What was that for, referee?

23. Ya-bollix-ya – Corner back’s formal recognition of a score by his opponent

24. Leh-it-in-ta-fuck-would-ya – Full forward’s appeal to a midfielder for a more timely delivery of the pass

25. Mullocker – untidy or awkward player released for matches

26. Burst the Bollix – Instruction to tackle your player.

27. Row – Disagreement involving four or more players

28. Massive Row – Disagreement involving both teams, including goalies, substitutes and supporters jumping fences

29. Running Row – A massive row that continues out in the parking area and or dressing room areas usually resolved by the Gardai.