
Filed Under: News

Dear Vintage Enthusiast,

You are invited to join us for the 6th annual Original Garden of Ireland Run taking place on Saturday 13th and Sunday 14th of September this year.

Our run begins at the Strand Hotel in the seaside town of Bray traveling through County Wicklow at a leisurely pace stopping en route to soak up the atmosphere and chat to fellow enthusiasts.

Our dinner dance is as per usual in Ireland’s oldest hotel, the Woodenbridge Hotel. This will be at 8.30pm and food will be finished by 10.30pm at the very latest, leaving plenty of time to dance the night away or simply chat with friends.

Sunday’s run leaving the Woodenbridge Hotel will take us to Wicklow’s Historical Gaol for a static display at this famous landmark.

So we would be delighted to welcome you to County Wicklow for our relaxing vintage weekend !

Should you need any further information please do not hesitate to contact me or any member of Bray Vintage Car Club.

Hope to see you in September.

Best Regards,

Daphne Connolly

Bray Vintage Car Club

086 1650 353


Registration fee: €15 per vehicle, 

 Dinner dance tickets: €30 each, 

 B&B €45 pps

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