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Are your club members buying bottles of additive at around €10 a bottle to add lead to their petrol and/ or boost the octane?
These small Petrol Pellets are a lot cheaper way of addding lead and octane boosting your petrol instead of buying bottle after bottle of additive. It works on classic and modern engines. They will:
- Provide the Lead Replacement needed to lubricate the upper valve train of engines with non-hardened exhaust valves & seats, stopping valve burnout and seat recession.
- Boost the Octane by 4 points – 95 to 99 octane.
- If you have a performance Japanese car this will stop the knock sensor retarding the ignition to a safetly level because the fuel is below 97 octane -giving instant power! They do not contain actual lead so they will not ruin your catalytic converters.
- Stabilise the petrol in your tank, fuel lines and carb when your vehicle is in storage – preventing a gummy varnish in the tank, fuel lines and carb.
You simply drop the Petrol Pellets with the netting into the tank and attach the cord to the filler neck so you can retrieve them again. They will last for 100,000 miles and/ or 6 years worth of fuel treatment and will not invalidate a vehicle warranty.
The cost is a one-off €40, postage in Ireland included. I’ve used them in my classic Cadillacs to great effect and now want to pass on the benefit to other classic and performance car owners.
If your club members have PayPal they can order by sending a €40 PayPal payment giving their delivery address to
fuel.catalyst.ireland@gmail.com or emailing or calling me for more info on 085 828 9922.
Many thanks and happy classic motoring!
Regards, Nick Stratta