
Filed Under: News

Willie Griffin wrote:
Dear Sir, My name is Willie Griffin and i am a co owner of a 
stills productioncompany called Connemara Productions, 
we are looking to hire a Classic car
(preferable convertable or with a large sunroof ) 
to use in a photographic shoot
in  the Connemara /Mayo area between 7th-14th June 2013, 
the photographer has
requested that the interior be of a light colour i.e cream,
old English white? 
Of course there will be a hire fee paid to get the car 
to the West.We will require
the car for 1 possibly 2 days (yet to be confirmed) 
If you know of any of  your
members or non-members who would be interested in the 
above request please ask
them to forward me there contact details 
and I will be happy to call them with
further details.
Yours Sincerely Willie Griffin,Connemara Productions.