
Filed Under: News


Kilkenny garage proprietors have decided to employ the self-help approach in a bid to drum up a bit of business during these particularly difficult times for the industry.

Garages representing 13 of the top marques have come together to organise the first Kilkenny Motor Show. The big event will be in The Hub, Cillín Hill on the Carlow Road on Friday, Saturday and Sunday, November 26, 27 and 28. And the event will be free.

“We could sit back, moan and feel sorry for ourselves but it was decided to be pro-active and to do something positive,” insisted local Renault dealer John O’Brien, a member of the organising committee.

The car dealers of Kilkenny City present this unique event! Ten of the dealers of Kilkenny will have their new models of cars on display indoors at The Hub so you can peruse all makes at your leisure under the one roof!

Date: Friday 26th – Sunday 28th November
Time: Fri 2pm-9pm; Sat 10am-6pm; Sun 12pm-6pm
Adm: Free
Refreshments: Langtons @ Cillin Hill; Market Yard Shop
Further info: or