
Filed Under: News

This site was set up to provide Irish motoring enthuasists with all the latest news and views from Ireland and around the world, aswell as videos, pictures and forums to allow users to get in contact with each other.

We want to provide impartial unbiased advise and information to our readers and members and hope to cover all aspects of the motor world be it, new car reviews, technology, products and services.

By doing this we hope motoring fans aswell as professionals in the motoring industry will use this site as a tool to find out the latest developments in the motoring world. is 100% Irish and was set up by Brian Roche. Brian is from Kilkenny City and has been working in the motor industry professionally for the last 7 years but has always had an interest in cars and everything that goes with the industry since childhood. His aim is to provide a one stop shop for everything to do with the motoring world from the serious aspects to the not so serious.

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